Working Together Since 2010


The mission of the citizen-led Boise Forest Coalition is to provide the Boise National Forest with management recommendations that:

  1. Are developed through consensus decisions involving all members of the Coalition;
  2. Address natural resource, economic, recreational, and societal needs;
  3. Are compatible with Forest Plan direction including implementation of the Forest's Wildlife and Aquatic Conservation Strategies;
  4. Are economically realistic;
  5. Promote future collaboration during implementation and monitoring.


  • Restore forest and ecological health
  • Reduce forest fuel hazards
  • Create economic opportunities
  • Produce forest products
  • Protect designated Idaho roadless areas
  • Enhance bull trout habitat and connectivity
  • Maintain and enhance fish and wildlife habitat
  • Provide a variety of trail-related recreational pursuits
  • Improve management of recreational uses to better address impacts on natural resources
  • Provide dispersed camping and wildlife-related opportunities
  • Coordinate with adjacent landowners in accomplishing objectives


Coalition News


Next meeting is a field trip on August 28th. August 1st and September 5th monthly meetings are cancelled and replaced with the field trip.